What to do when camping

Apr 25, 2024

You arrive at the campsite, you've set up camp, what do you do now?
Depending on where you chose to camp there could a number of preplanned activities available, but creating your own fun can be just as rewarding.

We recommend leaving your phone tucked away for emergencies only, you'll have plenty of time scroll when you get home. Ultimately it depends on your preferences and the resources you have available, but there are a great number of ways to enjoy your time in the great outdoors.


Here are a number of our favourite things to do :

  • Hiking 
  • Exploring the surrounding wilderness
  • Learning about the local flora and fauna
  • Playing sports or games with friends or family
  • Building a fire and roasting marshmallows
  • Photography
  • Journaling or writing
  • Bird watching
  • Star gazing
  • Fishing (if allowed, please check with the location before you travel)  
  • Yoga or meditation
  • Reading 
  • Playing board or card games
  • Relaxing and enjoying the peace and quiet of nature.